New project on socio-economic support has started in Kosovo


Arbeiter Samariter Bund Office in Kosovo has started with implementation of new project „Integrated Socio-economic support to most vulnerable minority and majority households in Obilic, Gracanica, Malisevo and Lipljan”

Main goal is to assist vulnerable majority and other minority families in target municipalities through capacity building in start-up or development of micro businesses, provision of grant-based economic packages for job creation and promotion of public/private partnership for the benefit of socially disadvantaged families with regards to employment opportunities.


The project is addressed to 55 socially vulnerable Albanian, Serbian and RAE minority families in target municipalities, and its implementation will be conducted in three phases:

1.  Preparatory phase – Selection of project beneficiaries in close cooperation with municipal Departments for Social Welfare and signing Memorandums of Understanding for the implementation ;

2. Mentoring phase – Provision of business trainings for 55 project beneficiaries – selected social cases in development of business idea, business plan development and writing including feasibility study and market analysis.

3. Startup funding phase:  Provision of grant-based business packages for 55 trained beneficiaries (on average € 2,500.00 per business grant);

Project beneficiaries will be offered with the economic assistance at 3 economic spheres depending on their employment preferences. Those are self-employment in agriculture, start-up of micro businesses and employment in host companies.

Beside socio-economic support, project also aims to promote public/private partnership through inclusion of local authorities and private enterprises in the process of job creation for project beneficiaries.

Having in mind that this program is a continuation of support already implemented in Kosovo in previous years through various similar projects, beneficiaries will have a chance to visit and meet previous projects’ beneficiaries and learn from their experience, get more detailed information and answers to potential questions and make preliminary decisions which direction they could take to improve their lives.

The project is funded by German Foreign Ministry with total amount 227,090.00 Euro

Project duration is 12 months from January 1st 2019 until December 31st 2019.

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